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Back II School – Wirral School Photos

Whether it’s your ‘baby’s’ first year at school. your ‘big kid’s’ last… or any year in-between. The standard school photos rarely do your gorgeous children any justice. After all, there are hundreds of kids to get through in just a matter of hours, you may not even receive a choice of pose or expression in your proofs.

Why not take your time with a Back II School mini at the Slinky Studio. Our school photography is timeless and unique. The images feature our Victorian school desk, which the children love to explore! They make stunning gifts for the grandparents and perfect ‘family album’ additions. What’s more, you can bring all of your children together, which is extra handy if they are in different schools across the Wirral.

We photograph your little (and big!) ones both together and individually and supply you with an online proof gallery where you can choose from a large range of prints, products, and of course, digital images available to download immediately.

You’ll even receive three 10 x 8″ prints, included in the booking fee. These sessiosnare strictly limited as they take place at the very end of the Summer Holiday/start of the Autumn term, when all uniform is present, correct and immaculate (before the shirts are stained with pen ink and bean juice!)

Ready to schedule yours? Click to check availability!

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